Our vision at Montessori Ivy League is to lead our students to think, discover, and reflect on what they have learned. Everything in our school, including all the programs and policies, are design to serve and support children to work, play, and grow within an atmosphere of profound kindness, compassion, and respect.
Hence, it is an approach to learning, not just teaching. When children discover how to learn, it will get them through life successfully, not just get them through school. We create dynamic, self-disciplined, and absorbent minds. The mission of the Montessori Ivy League is to encourage a certain enthusiasm for excellence, so the human spirit and imagination is awakened. Our environment is thoroughly prepared, so the children develop their intellect in safety and comfort.
Since the foundation of Dr. Montessori’s educational methods are guided by her belief that children learn best through direct experiences of investigation and discovery, we believe that a fine school is inspired and imaginative, and treat each student as a unique individual.