Instructions for School Registration for Parents or Guardians:
1. Create a username and password to use for all children in your family (CLICK HERE).
2. Complete all fields relevant to your child.
3. This form is a legal document. Enter your full name in the electronic signature field at the bottom. This is a legal signature. Enter the current date.
4. Click the Save Progress button at the bottom if you have partially completed the form to save all information entered and return later.
5. After entering all information appropriate for your child, you MUST click the Submit button for the document to be legal.
6. If you want to register another child, sign in again with the family username and password and click the Start New button. Follow the instructions above.
7. If you want to update information or register your child for another year, sign in again and click the Edit button on the row with the child’s name. Make any changes required. Update the date field next to the signature field. Click the Submit button.